Wednesday 14 July 13:00 - 14:00 GMT
"The Death of the Water Cooler-maintaining relationships in hybrid workspace"
A Reshape and Hedroc online mental wellbeing event
There are many questions around how people have and will be coping as our working environments rapidly evolve. How to avoid an increase in anxiety, loneliness, sense of belonging?
How do we build mechanisms into our working environment to optimise individuals' mental wellbeing across the shifts currently taking place?
Click here for free registration
Thursday 15 July 12:00 - 13:30 GMT
"Psychological Safety in a Hybrid Working Environment"
An interactive session looking at ways to create Psychological Safety in a post-COVID-19 working world. Using audience participation to explore what we can learn and unlearn from both virtual and face-to-face experiences.
Click here for free registration